Muriel Petrikovsky
Muriel Petrikovsky
Muriel Petrikovsky is a singer, songwriter and artist. She spent her early childhood in the high plateaux of Madagascar in a family of holocaust survivors who gave her the love for art and the inner quest.

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Her family moved to the Caribbean Islands and Polynesia and finally settled in Paris when she was 12 years old.
Muriel received her Master degree (French degree) directed with Professor Pierre Brunel with Cuma sum laude in Modern Letters at the Sorbonne (prophéties dans l’oeuvre de St-John Perse), spent 2 years in the Beit Midrash Lamorot for high Talmudic studies in Marseilles and explored the inner dimension of the Torah at Machon Chana in Brooklyn, NY. She studied opera in a French conservatory and was trained privately in the US by Mrs. Elaine Malbin from The Metropolitan Opera. She is currently working on her third CD and on many other projects including a book of short stories, children’s books, the tale of Aldoudali.
Muriel lives in New York with her family.
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