The sound of the thundering soul

Muriel Petrikovsky

A strange language-far though from being unknown
To the artist-fill his loving soul
For him, the letters and the sounds, like lamps,
Illuminate the very flesh of the earth.
….Open great drawers
In the shelter of the evening*,
The Ancient Temple
This forth heaven**
Roughly treated
Long ago and nowadays,
By the cavaliers of history.

*Evening in hebrew is EREV, the root of this word, ayin, resh and beit alludes to other words like AREV which means delicious, sweet, pleasant…The world of unity.
Also, OREV which shares the exact same roots, is a raven: it was the ravens who brought bread to the prophet Eliyahu when, fleeing from King Achav and Queen Jezebel, he found shelter (..the shelters of the evening…) among the mountains.

EREV, it’s also “the eve of…”, to live as if we were always at the eve of a sailing, at the threshold, oh G-D, of Your eternity.

** The 4th heaven is called Zevoul, the Sanctuary. The dwelling place.