Muriel Petrikovsky

Released 2013
The composer gathers what he needs in the supernal fields then goes to the distaff and weaves the thread of the words with the threads of the notes until he sets the tow ablaze: He kindles a fire in his song with the unforgettable pleasure of the soul.
May the luminosity and innocence of the letters, colors and sounds unite for the conspiracy of strength and joy!
Le Rocher Qui Guérit
1. Le Bruit De L’âme Qui Gronde (The Sound of the Thundering Soul)
2. Le Rocher Qui Guerit…la Mer (The Healing Rock…the Sea)
3. Fragment De La “Shira” Du Brigand ( The Song of the Brigand)
4. Terre, Mon Amour (Earth, Oh My Love)
5. Le Flot De Ton Nom (The Waves of Your Name)
6. Mon Âme, Ma Carène… ( My Soul, My Hidden Hull…)
7. Shabbat Nachamou (La Consolation, The Consolation)
8. La Main Blanche Des Sables (The White Hands of the Sands)
9. Lettre À Shazadee (Letter to Shazade)
10. Trois Cormorans (Three Cormorants)
11. Réponds Moi Du Haut De Ta Merkava (Answer Me)
12. La Nuit De La Vision (The Night of the Vision)
13. Midi Mati… (Noon Darkens…)
14. Eveille Toi Mon Âme (Awake Oh My Soul) Variation of a Ladino Song.
15. Toi Qui M\’as Perdu! (You Who Lost Me!)